Monday, May 9, 2011

This isn't anything funny that the kids said but it is something pretty dang funny that my hubba said that I just had to document!
Last night Preston told me he felt a tiny bump on the side of his stomach. After trying to feel it and not being able to I told him it was probably just another little fat deposit or something! (he has a few on his legs)
A little while later he came walking into the living room and said...."I wonder if it could be a hemorrhoid?" I looked at him like he was an idiot and said..."you mean a hernia?" He turned red and said "yeah, that's what I meant!"

What a dork! =)

This isn't something that Kayston said recently but I was talking about it with Preston and wanted to remember it.
A couple of months ago we were planning a trip to Disneyland. When I told the kids we were going and staying in a hotel, Kayston asked... "what number is it?" I asked him what he meant and he said..."is it a Motel 6 or a Motel 7?" I guess since my parents stayed at the Motel 8 before he thought all the hotels were numbers! I just laughed and told him it wasn't a number hotel. He still will always ask about number hotels!

1 comment:

Deb and Stan said...

When we took him to Gramma Robertson's house, we were looking for a motel. We stopped at Motel 8, no rooms, so we moved on to Motel 6. They had a room, so we stayed there. The next morning, Kayston asked if we could stay in Motel 7 the next night!