Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Poor Kayston has grown up with parents that pretty much despise any kind of sport. He has recently started liking basket ball and the other day he told me that he made 2 shots into the hula hoop. Then today he tells me that he scored 3 goals with the basketball! I told Preston it's time he starts teaching him a little something about B-ball before he starts getting made fun of!!

Today I sat down to have a bowl of cereal. Bry had just got done eating lunch but with cereal being her mos favorite food EVER...she of course wanted me to share. I told her that she had already eaten and that this was my lunch. She then said..."will you please just share with me so I can be happy?"

1 comment:

Deb and Stan said...

This made me laugh so hard! Your kids come up with some doozies, that's for sure! Love!!